PROGRAMMED PDs, Pharmacy PDs and
DMC has developed Proprietary Provider Directory, Pharmacy Directory and Formulary software update programs through which DMC can provide monthly updates to your Plans books in just 24 hours, with no hourly assembly/document creation fees; DMC bills a flat page rate for its program solutions. Just pick up and the phone and by the next day you could have updated Provider Directories, Pharmacy Directories, and Formularies. Plus, DMC provides Translation Solutions and 508 Remediation Solutions on an as needed basis. First time programming of books does require an initial 6.7 hour programming charge in addition to the flat page rate charge; but, all subsequent updates are billed strictly on a flat page rate basis. DMC also offers a Next Day fulfillment program for the mailing of Provider Directories and Pharmacy Directories. Call us today for the most competitive programming rates in the nation.